Electrical Equipment Buying Company

When companies need to recoup the value of obsolete, outdated, or damaged inventory, electrical equipment, electronic components, and other electrical assets and electronics, they turn to the experienced Central City Group asset recovery team. With an established network of global buyers, the best-trained and most highly qualified team of asset managers, and asset recovery specialists, we help companies get the best possible value for equipment and damaged bulk inventory.

Ensuring our customers get the best value for their assets and excess recovery is what distinguishes us from other companies. Success requires an integrated network of global buyers across a wide range of industrial, commercial, and consumer industries. With a constant pulse on multiple industrial markets, our asset recovery team can leverage the latest demand, trends, and emerging needs of global buyers who want lower-cost materials, inventory, equipment, electronic components, and machinery parts.

If you have electrical equipment you can no longer use, outdated or damaged inventory, or have machinery past its service life, then we can help you turn these assets into working capital.

Sell Us Excess Electronic Equipment & Components

sell excess electronic componentsWhere you use obsolete, outdated, and unusable electronic equipment well past its serviceable date, we see a potential source of working capital. Where you see old equipment and machinery that take up valuable manufacturing floor and warehouse space, we see a tangible asset that can be turned into cash.

So often, companies think there’s little to no value in obsolete, or excess electronic equipment and components. They see equipment and machinery that’s outdated, often unusable, and electronics for whom getting repair and servicing is next to impossible given their age.

Yes, it's difficult to get serviceable parts and service and repair companies to repair or refurbish outdated equipment. Yes, many times the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) is no longer in business, or the company that originally made the electronic equipment discontinued the product line. Regardless of why you have or can’t use this excess electronic equipment and machinery, we are the perfect partner to help you recoup some value in these assets.

We Will Inspect & Determine the Value of Your Electrical Equipment & Provide a Fair Price

Our salvage disposal services don’t simply involve giving you cash based on the total weight of your excess inventory or equipment. We don’t just think in terms of scrap metal values. Companies that offer scrap metal values don’t have the interconnected network of global buyers necessary to give you the best asset value. Their buyers are all local. Their reach is limited.

Our asset managers and asset recovery specialists can sell your used, outdated, or damaged electrical equipment and electronic components for much higher values. Our focus is to help you sell these assets for their current value – not some antiquated value based on local buying needs. By leveraging sell prices and current demand for electronics, integrated assemblies, metal prices, and workable and still usable parts, we bring a global market of buyers right to your door.

Our asset recovery team will come to your facility and assess the current market value of your assets. They’ll explain the process involved in getting the best sell prices for electronics, bulk devices, excess inventory, and replacement parts that are no longer usable.

Think of the high costs of financing with today’s skyrocketing interest rates. Think about how difficult it is when customers take 45, 60, 90, or even 120 days to pay. Think about how difficult these headwinds are on your cash flow and how they affect your working capital. Now think about how our sales prices can help reduce the impact of these cost drivers. With Central City Group, you’ll get a fair market sell price and immediate cash for your bulk electronics based on current buyer demand.

Get Started With Us Today!

sell electrical equipmentDon’t make the all-too-common mistake of selling your existing assets for scrap value. Instead, take a global approach to maximizing your assets with an asset recovery team of specialists that have near real-time pricing and demand.

If you currently have unusable inventory, machinery, electronics, or equipment you need to turn into working capital, contact us now.